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December 2023

Happy December Rogers Middle School families!  We hope 2023 has been a great year for you and we wish you all the best in 2024!

Please watch the following video update from Dr. Rittenour:

5th Grade Geography Bowl

On Friday, November 17, six teams of 4 contestants each, participated in the RMS Geography Bowl. Congratulations to all the 5th graders that participated; everyone did an amazing job!  If you would like to watch the event, please click here, scroll down to ‘past events’ and click on ‘playlist’ where you will find 'RMS Geography Bowl 2023 (11/17/2023)'.

Congratulations to the World Wide Winners (Eden Eastman, Ezra Scheevel, Camden Nathe and Owen Holte), who won the RMS competition. This team competed at the district level on Thursday, December 7 against teams of 5th graders from Westwood, Twin Lakes, Meadowvale, Parker, Lincoln, Prairie View Middle, and Rogers Middle.

RMS had 70 pts and wagered it all. They missed the last question and lost all their points. There were a lot of laughs and the kids had fun. We are proud of their effort and sportsmanship.  Congratulations to Meadowvale who won the bowl; they only missed one question!

Dress Up Days: December 18-21

To celebrate the upcoming winter break, we are having the following dress up days at RMS.  We hope your student will participate!

  • December 18 - Wear holiday headwear and/or holiday socks
  • December 19 - Wear red, green and sparkles
  • December 20 - Wear holiday sweaters
  • December 21 - Wear holiday pajamas

6th Grade Band Concert - December 19

There will be a 6th Grade Band Concert on December 19th at the RHS PAC.  Students need to be in their seats on stage by 5:45 pm for a sound check and dress rehearsal.  The doors to the audience will open at 6:50 pm and the concert will start at 7:00 pm (and will last for about a half hour).  Students need to wear their blue band shirts, along with black pants (of any kind) and dark shoes.

Lost & Found - Claim Items by Wednesday, December 20

If your student is missing anything, please have them stop by the lost and found area to see if they can find their item.  Items not claimed by the end of the day on Wednesday, December 20 will be donated to CROSS.  

Cardboard Gingerbread House Contest

The Media Center is hosting its annual Cardboard Gingerbread House contest this month! Students in grades 6-8 had the option to sign up for time to work on their houses during Royal Time for three weeks this month. Students in ALL grades 5-8 can build houses at home and bring them into the Media Center by Tuesday, December 19th to be entered into the contest. Judging will take place on Wednesday, December 20th. See the official rules and entry form for more information. 

Hot Chocolate Day for 6th Graders - Donation Request

The 6th grade team would like to host a hot chocolate day for all the 6th grade students on Thursday, December 21.  Would you be willing to make a donation to make this fun day happen?  If so, please sign up here: Hot Chocolate Day for 6th GradersThank you for your generosity!

Students or parents can drop off donations to Ann Hedlund in the Attendance Office or to Angie Grotte in the Administration Office.

Pass Page Buyback Volunteers Needed

If students use 3 or less of their 18 quarterly passes, they have the opportunity to turn the remaining ones in for the "pass page buyback" event that will be held on Thursday, January 25. Students will spin a wheel to see what prize they've won.  If you are interested in donating any items or volunteering for this event (all volunteers must have an approved background check on file with the district), please sign up below.  Thank you!

From the Attendance Office

We’ve noticed an increase in last minute student pick ups. Last minute pick ups should ONLY be for emergencies. Vacations, sports and scheduled appointments should be put in the Campus portal ahead of time.  If an emergency appointment comes up during the day, please give us at least a 1 hour notice. Please see our website for directions on how to enter absences, late arrivals and early releases.

Parents should not be entering pickups for students not feeling well. If a student is not feeling well, they should visit the Health Office and together your student and health office staff will call you to make a plan for staying at school or getting picked up.

Extra Change of Clothes - All Students

To save yourself an unexpected trip to school during the day, please make sure your student has a complete change of clothes in their lockers or backpacks including socks and underwear. 

Rogers Police Department- Winter Coat Drive Thank You!

With your help, the Rogers Police Department donated an incredible 616 coats to the Salvation Army! While the City of Mounds View Police Department edged out the Rogers Police Department by just 18 coats, over 2,500 coats were collected in this year's Justin Morneau Winter Coat Drive! Thank you for your generous donations!

The Cultural Leadership Team Needs Your Help

We are looking for parents or relatives of students who have an international background or experience living in a different country and would like to share their culture or experiences with our classrooms.

If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please email Yuko Larson at or fill in this form Share your culture!.

Damage to Library Books

We have seen an increased number of library books being damaged by liquid this school year. Any book with water/liquid damage must be replaced, no matter how dry it is when returned. Students will be charged for the replacement cost of the book, which must be paid before they can check out any new library books. Students are expected to communicate information about damaged book fees home to parents. Damaged book fees will be entered in Campus Parent Portal for payment or students may bring cash to the Media Center. If you would rather purchase a brand new copy of the exact book and send it in to the Media Center with your student, that is an option as well. Please contact the Media Specialist,, with any questions. 

Honor Roll

Congratulations to all of our 6th-8th grade students who met the qualifications to be listed on our honor roll!  We are so proud of their hard work and effort during the 1st quarter!  Keep up the great work everyone! Quarter 1 - Honor Roll

Food Drive - Thank You!

Thank you for supporting the food drive at Rogers Middle School!  Students brought in an amazing 1,257 items which were all donated to CROSS Services.  Thank you for making a difference!


Order Your 2023-2024 RMS Yearbook Today!

Click here to place your student's yearbook order: 2023-2024 RMS Yearbook.

Partnership with Every Meal

We are partnering with Every Meal (formerly The Sheridan Story) to offer a free bag of food to our families every weekend. All students qualify for this food program. If you had previously been receiving these bags and would like to continue, you will need to fill out the form (families have to sign up each year). Please use this link to register:  Every Meal Sign Up Form. To ensure your application is processed in a timely manner, please sign your student up with their assigned school. This program is completely free and your family's privacy is protected. 

Please contact Angie Grotte with any questions,  angela.grotte@

ISD 728 CTE (Career & Technical Education) Newsletter

Please click here to read the December CTE Newsletter.   

Upcoming Events

  • December 12: 7th & 8th Grade Choir Concert

  • December 14: 6th Grade Choir Concert

  • December 19: 6th Grade Band Concert

  • December 22-January 1: No School (Winter Break)

  • January 15: No School (MLK Jr. Day)

  • January 25: End of Quarter 2

  • January 26: No School (Teacher Work Day)

  • February 2: No School (Teacher Work Day)

  • February 19: No School (Presidents' Day)